Twitter is an important tool for any business that wants to have an online presence for their customers. Social media is growing fast, and many major companies have already learned to grow with it. With a Twitter account, any business can promote its website, interact with customers and connect to other professionals in the company’s particular industry. If your business does not have a Twitter account yet, here are three easy steps you can take to get your Twitter account up and running.
Step 1: Setting Up Your Account
The first step in getting a Twitter account for your business is to go through the registration process on Twitter. Like most other social media sites, you will need to pick a username and password to get set up. Your username will be your Twitter handle, so it needs to reflect your company and be easy to remember. If you cannot get exactly what you want because it is already taken, you may have to get a little creative.
Once your account is activated, it is important to go into your Twitter settings to continue customizing your account for your business. Here you will find all of your settings including what email address you want messages sent to, how frequently you want to be updated by email and options for setting up your account on a mobile device.
The settings area also let’s you change the look and feel of your Twitter page. Under the Profile and Design settings, you can change the photo and header. It is recommended to have your logo as your photo. The header can be another photo of your logo, a plain design or even a small ad. You can also update your website and bio under this tab. The bio should quickly explain what your business is all about.
The Design settings will let you change the background of your page. you can choose to use a design, or you can design a background that features your company logo on the left side of the page.
Step 2: Post Regularly
Once the Twitter account is set up, it is time to start tweeting. Each business approaches tweeting differently, but the businesses that are successful with their social media accounts tend to post a combination of ads and links for the business with a mix of general industry information mixed in. General industry information can be current events, new publications or innovations that are being talked about.
Hashtags are another way you can get your tweets noticed by others. Hashtags are words or phrases that pertain to the topic of your tweet and can be searched for on Twitter. For example, if you are running a web design firm, you may want to use the hashtag #webdesign when writing tweets about your business.
In general, a business should post at least three tweets a day, spreading them out throughout the day. Retweets and replies should not count towards these tweets, but can supplement your exposure on Twitter.
Step 3: Get Followers
After you start tweeting, you may find that people are starting to follow your business account. This can be for many reasons, but a big reason that people will start to follow you is that you are talking about topics they are interested in. If your follower count is low, you can also start following people, organization and other businesses that are in the same industry or that are related in some way to your own business.
Another way to gather followers quickly is to use Twitter’s promoted account and promoted tweet features. These do cost money to use, but you can get your tweet or your account seen by thousands of Twitter followers.
Twitter is an excellent tool for businesses to communicate with its existing customers and target consumers that can become its customers. Using social media regularly will help you build your business quickly.